Saturday, 23 July 2011

Self Image - What is it?

Self image is basically the mental picture that you have of yourself.  This could either be what type of person you think you are or how you think you look physically.  Having a poor self image can affect your confidence and self esteem.  There are a few different mindsets that could be included under self image :-

Constantly thinking what other people think about you as a person
Thinking about how other people think you look
Thinking how you look yourself
Thinking about what type of person you are

I myself had a poor self image which in turn led to low self esteem.  I would constantly worry about what other people thought of me as a person.  Due to this I became very quiet and you could say anti - social.  Also I started becoming very negative in my thinking, instead of looking for the positive in situations I would always find the negative.  People would always say that I had to start being more positive but that's easy to say and a lot harder to do.   If you have a poor self image and low self esteem then you need to ELEVATE YOUR SELF ESTEEM and start living your life.

There are a few things you can do on your own to improve your self image and self esteem.  Exercising and keeping fit can improve your self esteem and self image, also a simple thing such as deep breathing can have an effect.  Slowly take a deep breath in and imagine you are breathing in positive energy, then as you are slowly breathing out imagine you are breathing out the negative energy.  I do this in the morning taking 20 deep breaths and it gives me a real mental boost and a very relaxed feel.  If you struggle to build up your self esteem and self image on your own then there is always help out there.  You could go and see a psychologist or get a home study style course if you prefer that way.  The most important thing is that if you have low self esteem and a poor self image then you take action to deal with it.  If you are trying to improve your self esteem and self image then good luck and I hope you achieve it.

Elevate Your Self Esteem And Improve Your Self Image