Saturday, 6 August 2011

My Self Image and Self Esteem Problem

My own self image and self esteem problem (as mentioned in previous post) lasted for about five years.  I'm no doctor but I believe my problem could have resulted from the fact I smoked a lot of cannabis in my youth and wasn't mentally strong enough to deal with it's affect.  In these low times my self image was very poor, it wasn't that I thought I looked bad but I was always concerned about what other people thought of me.  Due to this I became very quiet and never had much input into group conversations, also when meeting new people I was hesitant in making conversation with them.  For some reason I thought that whatever I said they would think I was some stupid idiot and talk behind my back.  This problem really stopped me from living life how I wanted too so I knew I had to take action and improve my self image and self esteem.

Improving my self image and self esteem

After being fed up for so long I knew I had to improve my self esteem and self image.  The first step I took was to start exercising at home as I didn't think I would fit in at a gym.  I started doing body weight exercises eg. push ups, squats, sit ups and neck bridges.  This improved my fitness and strength and mentally I started to feel better about myself.  After a while I started to go to a gym and felt comfortable talking to different people, this is where someone suggested to me about the deep breathing exercise as a way of getting into a relaxed state at the start of the day.  The exercise and deep breathing have really changed my life around.  I know not everyone with similar problems will want to exercise and there are other ways to deal with it.  The main thing is that you take action as soon as possible to IMPROVE YOUR SELF IMAGE AND SELF ESTEEM so you can live your life how you want.